What is the Importance of Imaging Methods in Dental Treatments?
- May 21, 2021, 7:42 a.m.
Smile is the most important sign of youth on a person's face. In smile design, age; it is the most striking factor. With the past years, facial features have changed and small wrinkles appear on the face; Especially loosening is noticed in the mouth and chin area. With this loosening, wrinkles appear on the lips and the teeth become invisible.
Gingival recession caused by tartar and the gaps between the teeth as time passes cause your self-esteem to break. However, incomplete missing teeth; Decreases the height of the face by reducing its vertical size. During speaking and laughing; The fact that the upper teeth are less visible than the lower teeth gives a sign of old age.
With the aim of increasing the vertical dimension with the smile design, whitening the teeth, applying laminated veneers, removing missing teeth with implants, correcting the disorders with orthodontic treatment; It is to make the person look younger.
Tooth design, made according to the person's lip and face shape, is very important for a beautiful smile. In addition, as a result of the interviews, it is very important to understand what the patient wants in order for the treatment to be satisfied.
In the treatment to be planned for smile design after these interviews; Factors such as the lip level, the height of the teeth, the level of the gums, the color of the teeth, the alignment of the teeth, the harmony of the lips and teeth while smiling, the laughing line should be taken into consideration.
For this reason, our physicians first of all take great care to understand what the patient wants in patient interviews and we ensure that our patients leave with satisfaction and a beautiful smile as a result of all procedures.
What are the rules for a perfect smile?