
What is Laser Teeth Whitening?

Tooth whitening is one of the simplest approaches that can be applied for a more aesthetic and warm expression. If the shape of your teeth and their harmony with your lips is ideal, but the color is dark, the color of your natural teeth can be lightened in a short time by using appropriate drugs. Whitening is an application that does not harm your teeth when the right drugs are selected and performed under the control of the dentist.


About Teeth Whitening with Laser

If the shape of your teeth and their harmony with your lips is ideal, but the color is dark, the color of your natural teeth can be lightened in a short time by using appropriate drugs. Whitening is an application that does not harm your teeth when the right drugs are selected and performed under the control of the dentist.

The application of chemical agents to teeth whose color has changed for various reasons is called bleaching. Whitening for aesthetic purposes to lighten tooth color is the most protective method compared to other alternatives. The integrity of the tooth does not deteriorate during the procedure. With the teeth whitening method, your tooth color can be lightened by a few tons.

What are the Causes of Tooth Staining?

  • Development disorders in teeth
  • Any injury to the teeth
  • Food and drinks containing coloring (tea, coffee, cherry juice, red wine, etc.)
  • Tobacco items such as cigarettes
  • Aging
  • Diseases
  • Medicines, mouthwashes containing dyestuffs

What Are The Requirements Before Bleaching Teeth?

Oral hygiene of the person to be whitened should be ideal and there should be no stains and tartar formation on the tooth surfaces. Before the procedure, the teeth to be whitened should be examined and necessary treatments such as tartar cleaning and filling should be done.
It is done by activating the whitening gel that your physician deems appropriate with heat or light. First of all, external discoloration on the tooth surfaces and tartar, if any, are cleaned by periodontal methods. Dental surfaces are polished. The initial photo is taken and the shade of the tooth is determined with the color scale. A protective gel is applied to prevent the bleaching gel from touching the gums and protective glasses are worn on the patient. The whitening agent is applied to the tooth surfaces and activated for 20-30 minutes.
The success of bleaching done in this way depends on the reason and weight of the color change. In color changes with aging, 1 session is usually sufficient for fluorous coloration. For color changes due to tetracycline, 3 or even 4 sessions may be required.

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