
What is Digital Dentistry?

In dentistry, the use of computer technology has combined modern dentistry to bring digital dentistry. Digital dentistry is rapidly advancing to be the key of the future with its modern technology.


About Digital Dentistry

In dentistry, the use of computer technology has combined modern dentistry to bring digital dentistry. Digital dentistry is rapidly advancing to be the key of the future with its modern technology.

Digital Dentist and Cad Cam
CAD CAM (Computer Aidet Design-Computer Aidet Manufacturing) means Computer Aided Design-Computer Aided Manufacturing. Cerec, combines these two technical concepts, developed for dentistry, 3D (3D), computer-supported design and production device. Cad Cam is one of the most important application areas of digital dentistry. The 3D technique allows to have information about the shape of both the outer and inner surface of the examined area, not the two-dimensional projective image as in tomography and x-ray.

How Does Cerec Cad Cam System Work?
The essence of the system is that the images obtained from the intraoral camera taking three-dimensional optical measurement are processed by means of computer programs suitable for the purpose and sent to a very precise micro milling machine working with computer software; With this method, inlays, onlays, crowns (crown teeth), bridges and fixed prosthetic infrastructures are produced from zirconium and porcelain blocks.

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