
Aesthetic Dentistry

Dentistry applications are very developed today. In aesthetic dentistry, several branches of dentistry come together and applications are made. The main purpose here is to make the person's smile more beautiful, to make it better or to solve the problems in their teeth.


Aesthetic Dentistry

Dentistry applications are very developed today. In aesthetic dentistry, several branches of dentistry come together and applications are made. The main purpose here is to make the person's smile more beautiful, to make it better or to solve the problems in their teeth.

What could be the problems in the teeth, first of all, the simplest tooth may be yellow in color (see Teeth Whitening topic ...). If the teeth are yellow and the person is satisfied with their teeth, they can be resolved by the tooth whitening method under the control of the dentist.

In more advanced situations, smile design comes into play. In the smile design, it is aimed that the person has a smoother and more beautiful smile. The best practices to be done while designing this may be the following;
The bonding method is applied by small corrections without damaging the teeth and the arrangement of the fractured cracks in the teeth.
porcelain laminates (Laminate Veneers) application. In porcelain laminated tooth application, a maximum effective smile can be achieved with minimum damage to the teeth of the person.

The person may have different requests, some people may want longer teeth, some middle-aged individuals complain about the wrinkles of their lips and may ask for lip support. Therefore, the physician prepares teeth from wax for the patient, tries them in the mouth, and sets the design of the smile to arrange the wax teeth.

After that, these teeth are studied one by one in a computer environment and teeth without metal support are prepared in the middle and these teeth are properly adhered to the face of the person. These procedures are provided by visiting the physician 3 times in a short time like a total of one week.

Laminated tooth application can be used in cases where there is a gap in the teeth. It is possible to benefit from laminated tooth applications when the teeth are shorter than necessary, in cases of perplexity in the teeth, in cases with broken teeth.

The aesthetic means absolutely natural, the natural structure makes the person comfortable and looks beautiful. It is desirable that the tooth is not noticed by the people around.

In short, Aesthetic Dentistry is a dental skill that combines treatments such as bonding, teeth whitening, laminated teeth, zirconium teeth, implants, pink aesthetics (gingival aesthetics), orthodontics and prosthetic teeth and ultimately creates an aesthetic smile design.

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